Monday, January 26, 2015

Só na correria

So if a missionary ever tells you he had a dull week, they're probably lying.

The VW bug that we caught a ride home in
after the Zone Conference
Conferência Multi-Zona
I love being around our mission president and the other missionaries, I always leave councils and conferences excited and happy. We learned a ton about how we're going to use the members well to help follow up with investigators to help them progress. Elder Dallto and I were able to give a training as well about how to begin teaching people and we felt like it went really well. Afterwards we had to do a baptismal interview and we got a member to give us a ride to the area but he showed up in a tiny white VW bug (see foto) where we had to pack in four missionaries with boxes of Books and materials and packages. It was a blast.

Daniele's baptism
Daniele's baptism is really special because there were so many things that could have kept her from getting baptized. She had to travel to another city this week to help resolve family problems but she travelled back thursday for her baptismal interview. Her mom begged her to stay behind but she told her "No I need to be baptized!" It was cool. After her baptism our other recent converts invited her over to their house for a little celebration. It was cool to see a recent convert with only 4 weeks in the church already integrating other converts. 

Three of our recent converts after Daniele's Baptism

More Exchanges
I had another day this week where I stayed working in my area for the whole day with different members while my companion went with another member for interviews for the whole day to help a few areas baptize this weekend. It was cool because the member served in California so he wanted to practice his English and we shot the breeze in english. It was also great because we drove to our appointments with air conditioning which was GREAT. 

My companion passed out last p-day trying to learn guitar

And that's another week in the books!

Boa Semana Pessoal!
Elder DP

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